Thursday, December 30, 2010

broken glass. broken dreams.

the "cool cat" taco bell collectors glass was broken yesterday. that's why i was unable to post anything. i couldn't see through the tears.


Thursday, December 16, 2010

round and round

if you are a follower of this blog via the magic of facebook, you know that for some time now i have been heavily into collage. this isn't anything new to me, you might remember, as i've said before i did it years ago. well today i found a book of work from 1989. when i was alone in new orleans waiting to come out here to arizona. these are a few of the pieces that i found in the book. along with a bunch of magazine pages that i had ripped out and was readying for the process. some rather simple pieces, but i also think that they are rather effective in their own right. oh the joy of finding old projects. good thing i rarely throw anything away.....such is life.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

the green building.

there is a new david sylvian album out

i have not heard this yet, but as with all david sylvian records, i'm sure it's an interesting listen.
i'll report back later....

Thursday, December 9, 2010

always open fridays

join me tomorrow evening. friday the 10th of december at the ambient studio
for an evening of .............. starting around the hour of 7pm until later then that.

some recent work

Thursday, December 2, 2010

what's that racket?

in my long tradition of not doing what i supposed to be doing at the time, like say, getting the studio ready for first friday. i was there yes, but , i spent some time hooking up an bunch of effects boxes to a buddah machine and a very very old mastro rhythm machine. you know the kind that has a selection of "beats" like samba, rock, waltz, bossa nova etc. ran those through a couple of old beat up amps and, well it sounds cool to me floating out across the parking lot into the night. yup. that's what i did. oh and i also did get things all set for tomorrow night. see ya there.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


sutra midtown yoga.

i am very pleased to tell all of you that i have a show up at sutra midtown yoga studio. it's an awesome place, the space is beautiful and has a rather wonderful vibe. actually a completely amazing vibe. it's a great thing they have going on over there. if your looking for a totally chilled out yoga experience i think this would be the place to find it. they host a first friday art opening with live music and, well just go there and see for yourself. you'll love it. enough said. also, a big thanks to matt for extending the invitation to hang some of my paintings there.

helpful little guy

today's pop gem. avi buffalo

Sunday, November 28, 2010

tonights favorite

shadow play

wolf loves lamb as lamb loves sheep

was that ambient ?

anyone that knows what i'm into, knows that the ambient "music" holds a special place in my sensitive lil' heart. for the record, as a rule i like, enjoy, love, dig, and listen to all types of music with the exception of the rap style the kids are so taken by, the classical drivel that grandma loves, and the country music by the likes of your brooks and dunn or rascal flatts people. what most don't know is i have a great fondness for the music known as "easy listening". ( now back in all my elderly readers good graces ) these old records are done by actual people playing things. strings, oboes and brass, whatever. not machines, though i have no problem with music made by machines whatsoever. i really like that stuff.
you can find these lil' gems ( easy listening albums ) at thrift stores and estate sales all the time. even the scratchy ones sound good to me. investigate and open up to a new world of really old sounds. the covers are excellent too. there.

ghostly children are in vouge

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


i do not like to go to the dentist. that's all i have to say today.

Monday, November 15, 2010

tonight at the ambient studio

another day another collage, that of course, i have no photo of. i hang my head in lowly shame.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Monday, November 8, 2010


you like roger dean? i like roger dean.
all those yes records sure bring back memories of growing up in northern ca.
an influence on my art? could be. deep down inside i think it all manifests into what comes out of you, like it or not. take it all in kiddies !

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Thursday, November 4, 2010

and the show is up.

i love phoenix

one last piece for the show

the ghosts of god's children

this is an update of the show opening to my internet friends tomorrow at the studio. i am pleased with the way that the show has come together. the work is done now, this evening, it shall be placed upon the walls of the studio. actually going to completely redo the whole space. partly to accommodate the new work, but also to make things a bit more friendly when folks want to hang out, which is turning into the evening norm. plus i'm gonna move the stereo to a more central location, since records are played and as you all know the side of a record ends quickly. i do hope that you come down tomorrow and see the show.

job well done.

the gate

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

another view

it's like this and like that and this ya'll

tonight i stopped the collage work and for some god unknown reason pulled out of an old suitcase a bunch of 1/2 finished, slightly worked on, old old old...and i do mean old pieces that i had abandoned for whatever reason back, well, when i stopped working on them. all are small works that, if i'm being honest with myself, i really enjoyed revisiting them tonight. progress was made.