Saturday, March 27, 2010

a must see.

a bit off topic here, but what the hell, and hell it is in this classic film from yesteryear. i remember seeing this at the drive-in with my pal clinton and his brothers. still holds up for a goofy horror film after 30+ years if you ask me. get the dvd, if for nothing else than the out takes. my favorite is the plop of a scoop of ice cream thrown at "reggie's" guitar. you gotta see it. OK just dial it up on your netfix account and enjoy......

Monday, March 22, 2010

well. what did you do today ?

hey kids. today i went to the studio in the evening with the intention to paint on some canvases that i have started, but have yet to finish......... nope didn't happen. i loaded a few, 3, suitcases into the back of the car and loaded up the samsonites full of paint and brought it home. well i did go hang out at lux and used the light table to do some sketching. also got to see a ton of goo fly out of a guy's nose at the table next to me. lovely indeed. tomorrow, since these days i find it increasingly hard to get to the studio during the day. i am going to try to work in the back yard. long ago i use to do that when i lived in central phoenix and i got some pretty good results. i'll keep you posted.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

gotta love them jelly fish

drive by......

briefly stopped by the studio today looking for something that i thought was there, it wasn't, or at least i couldn't find it there. however i did, in my search, find several canvases that i had started to paint on and for some reason or another had stopped and set them aside. i always like that. for some reason it's always a "hey i remember working on that" moment. an abandoned notion from this. a what was thought to be a good idea at one time of that..... could be anything. in this instance they are about to become my next projects. i am happy

Monday, March 15, 2010

burning the midnight oil

we here at the ambient studio work around the clock to provide you with a exciting art experience. no cost is spared to assure that what we produce in the way of digital and fine arts is of the utmost quality. look for new works this coming april first friday. thank you for your continued support.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

tuesday before friday

tonight we, and by we, i mean kip and myself, worked on painting the walls that kip patched the other day and framing some new small pieces that i'd just finished. there will be a wall of photographs this time, which is a new thing for me. everything is falling into place. i always have a vision of what i want, then it sort of mutates into something of it's own. just seems to happen like that. the next task at hand will be to hang the show for the weekend. (first friday and the art detour). stop by to see the whole new look of the ambient studio. much more to do and not so much time to do it. chop chop chop.

Monday, March 1, 2010


this is gonna be quick, cause i am tired. started to get things ready for this weekend at the studio tonight. kip showed up and we got right to what we needed to do. tomorrow more prep work. the wed. we hang the new work. thanks to kip for all the help.....and now off to bed.

now this

they tell em that they like them. i have been working in the medium of photographs lately and i must tell you i find it a wonderful process to deliver something in the form of art. again i find myself looking at photographs the same way i approach my painting. i see a strong sense of space and calm in these pieces just like with my paintings. of course many of these images will be on display at the ambient studio starting friday the 5th of march. we will be open to the public on the 6th and 7th of march as well as part of art detour.