Tuesday, August 31, 2010

hum...let's go ahead and reconfigure that back room.

it's starting to feel like home in there. what would you expect would happen when you hang 25 cent yard sale guitars on the wall. spent the whole evening, into the night moving things from one side to the other and sometimes back again. gotta get it right.

retouch me in the morning

this is a complete and total digital manipulation of a painting that looks nothing like this heavily retouched image. ok. i'm just sayin'. i kinda like it.

Monday, August 30, 2010

keeping with the christmas theme

for no apparent reason.

other than x-mas came up in conversation tonight.

with a little help from my friends

i have some of the best pals ever. EVER !!! this awesome new vinyl cut decal was done by my friend kate from modern cat studio. ya can't see it here in this photo ,but my pal kip spent the evening hanging up tracks on the ceiling for lighting. he also ran around and picked up some stuff since i was delayed and couldn't make it to the lighting place before closing time.
i thank them both from the bottom of my heart. without you guys things would be a lot less fun and way behind schedule. a humbly mumbled "thank you". were gonna open this friday.


Saturday, August 21, 2010

it's like space, only underwater

right now this is what i got playing as i goof around on the computer. it's a way cool ambient electronic record. theres a huge thunder storm tonight too so that is adding to the mood. i hope it rains into tomorrow, though i did waste some time watering my bamboo this evening. get krill.minima kids.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

studio update.

todays was all about track lighting, well and a couple of yard sales and my favorite book store. i made kip go too. i think he liked it. went to the lighting store and got uber-information about lights. that guy that runs the place is WAY into lighting. nice, helpful fellow, and we got things squared away with that. now, here's a short video of a monkey. have a nice day.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

not far from my home.

come together.

well here ya go. some actual progress being made at the new studio. man i love it. the feel is right. there are folks all over the place, and the natural light during the day is really really good. i started to hang some of the smaller figurative pieces on the new wall today. very very colorful, but if you know me you know that i do like me some color. i am pleased with the new space. some slight tweeking will, of course, be in order as time marches on, but by and large it's shaping up just the way i wanted it too. i like being there and i think it's gonna be a very nice creative environment for me to work in. more later....what do you think i do, stay up all night ?

Monday, August 2, 2010