Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

another view

it's like this and like that and this ya'll

tonight i stopped the collage work and for some god unknown reason pulled out of an old suitcase a bunch of 1/2 finished, slightly worked on, old old old...and i do mean old pieces that i had abandoned for whatever reason back, well, when i stopped working on them. all are small works that, if i'm being honest with myself, i really enjoyed revisiting them tonight. progress was made.

work in progress

post 55

Friday, October 15, 2010

follow the leader

turned to my well worn edition of "oblique strategies" cards this evening. always fun, always helpful, always a way out of the corner i sometimes paint myself into. we sometimes need a swift kick upside the head. a random direction is a good way to go.