Thursday, April 28, 2011

moments from heaven

total ambient bliss tonight. james is great guitar player guy ! we filled the studio, into the parking lot, then finally the sound filtered out into the night sky. completely dug it ! at times it was beautiful. we're currently looking at some dates around town and hope that soon our pal ricky cisco will be able to join us. enjoy the night see you soon.

chicks dig ambient music

come on down to the studio tonight and enjoy the song stylings of james gordon and myself. we will be playing selections from " grandma think you suck". we encourage you to dance and set yourself free.

starting roughly at 7:30pm.

first come first serve.

no reserved seating.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

last night

last night at the ambient studio my pal james gordon and myself rocked the place with hours and hours of ambient drone fun. this is a shot from the session. for my money it was a great success. folks looked into the space to see what all the beautiful noise was and a freaky guy stopped by to see if we have a drink of water. what he asked us rather than going to hula's to get a beverage we'll never know, but besides that slight disturbance, all went well. me like making music with james

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

what i hear.

today's playlist:

the strokes- angles

tokimonsta - midnight menu

gonjasufi - a sufi and a killer

blackbird blackbird - summer heart

beirut - the flying club cup

ok go to your local itunes store and get these .


Monday, April 18, 2011

Thursday, April 14, 2011

save the date.

this is to serve as a reminder that i have a big show coming up in may at carly’s here in phoenix. the show will consist of 20 collage pieces that are my current focus of work.

i hope that each and every one of you can make it out on the first firday of may. the 6th is the date. carly’s has great food so make a evening of it .

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

into the fog

today was spent out and about looking looking looking all around the greater phx area.
what we were looking for, we didn't find, but we shall look again another day.

Sunday, April 3, 2011


what a day what a day what a day........ saturday morning, got into the studio earlier then most saturdays and no sooner did i sit down and a yogi appeared before my very eyes. really the cat just kinda appeared. it was odd to say the least, but i listened to what her had to say. this sort of thing is of interest to me. turns out i'm gonna live to the age of 87, and i'm not going to be killed in a car crash. good news really. also this is going to be my year, with the next few months being very important too. again interesting. there is also one man standing in my way, but i can't tell you guys who he is. yogi says! sure it's easy to sit there and hear someone of divine powers tell you that all your dreams are gonna start to come true REALLY REALLY SOON. you see, i want to believe........ he played a "little lucky paper" game as he called it. just like chris angel mind freak does. i went through a series of questions and at the end of our conversation i opened the paper and sure enough written on the scrap was "blue 3" just like my favorite color and the number i nailed down through a "random" scratch this out / circle this number game we'd played during his visit, after he'd written on the paper. how'd he do it? magic? beats me. he reached into his filthy little bag and gave a a couple trinkets to carry with me forever. so far i have. he did ask for 300 dollars, which i was a bit short. i gave him $7.00. he wouldn't actually touch the money, but insisted that i drop it between the pages of his very very shop worn photo album. with that he was gone.