Monday, February 22, 2010

let me tell ya....

went to the studio tonight, well this late evening, after a quick trip to lux. talked to sammy for a bit then went on to work, and work i did. i got so much done tonight. i think i made up for the days that i didn't get anything done other than looking through time life books. that's something right? sure. ok. yeah i might even have everything done by first friday if i keep it up. i just let loose and was really happy with the results. wish me luck for tomorrow and and the next few days. i have through saturday to paint. then next week is devoted to hanging the new show for art detour. kip., where are you?

fulfill the need

we have been working round the clock to get to you, our valued friend, the ambient studio store. well i'm here to tell you that it is now open. check it out click around and get some stuff. new designs will be added soon and on a semi- regular basis. again thank you for your continued support. like they use to say on usa dance party. "we need you to make it happen". access by clicking "fulfill the need" then bookmark so you can get back often.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

the studio remained dark today

no work was done today at the ambient studio.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

the window

saturday = studio day

off to work. should be a good day there. cool outside and i'm ready to paint.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

long gone

hello. i have nothing to report tonight here, but felt the obligation to put fingers to keyboard none the less. today i managed to go get coffee. yep. that is it. nothing else. zippo. zilch. what can i say it was a very unproductive day. ok ok , i looked at some books. took the kid to dance class and returned something to target. there, are you happy now.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

home is where the heart is

worked from home for the last few days. small pieces have been the focus lately with me, so i can manage to get some of that done here at the ambient studio south. tucked away close to the mountains. off to bed. tonight i am tired. work work work.

Monday, February 8, 2010

ya know i was just thinking....

i was driving around tonight after a meeting and as i do a lot of the times in the car, i was listening to the cure. several songs from this album came on. man what a great record. really everything on it is awesome. if you don't have this record. get it. the blood, kyoto song, close to me, a night like this. great. reminds me of my days at tower records back in sacramento. a record from 1985 that sounds as fresh and amazing as it first did so many many years ago. please get it. this for me was really the beginning of a great streak of fine fine cure records. i hate to think of you without this one.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


this is what im shooting for at the studio. i want it to look just like this. well i got everything i wanted to get done, done tonight. it wasn't as bad as i thought it was gonna be. finished up a painting and got everything back into it's rightful, first friday place. that means that all the products of the trade of creating art have been tucked away from the casual visitors view. hung some paintings that have been neglected for a bit on the wall. moved some stuff. swept. a general tidying up was the order of the day. the photo to the left is from a interior design book i was looking at tonight. snazzy huh. see ya friday. tomorrow is the talent show at my daughters school. that should be fun though she said too many people are dancing to party in the usa. one is too many if you ask me.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

tuesday evening

worked all evening at the studio. mainly framing things that i finished up a day or two ago. tomorrow is clean up day. i have to ready the studio for friday. will i make it? honestly this month it's going to be close. i am way behind schedule this month. stopped by lux on the way home and talked with sammy, a fine artist that i know, about painting. we oooh'd and aaah'd about what the other guy does and then i took my iced velvet and left. ok i'm going to bed tonight before 3am. i mean it. no really. i am.

Monday, February 1, 2010

the book

this is a book mark i use in my planner.
that's all. ok it's late off to noddy blinkins.

im on fire tonight


hey buddy where are ya?

today i worked at the ambient studio south. my home. the events of the day prohibited me from traveling into the actual studio space this fine monday evening. i did make some progress on a few small pieces that i am readying for the next couple of months. the report is " the state of the ambient studio is strong". i am pleased to tell you that i worked worked worked off and on all day and had a great period between 4pm and 6pm that i accomplished a lot. then i had to go get my kid from school and go to the mall. yeah i roll like puffy. word.