Sunday, September 26, 2010

today's playlist

1. saule - saule
2. self - gizmodgery
3. mordant music- symptoms
4. timtim- let's pretend were coming
5. es- a love cycle
6. islaja- palaa aurinkoon
7. fennesz- saffron revolution
8. seefeel -starethrough
9. bibio - vignetting the compost
10. damero - happy in grey

run out and get every last one of these beautiful recording as fast as you can.
thank later.

the remains of a monkey cake

Friday, September 24, 2010

again i assemble. again i am happy

can i be done now

what happens when you die. some think that your whole life will flash in front of you. in the movies they add a cool backwards sucking like noise. gosh i hope that's the case in real life, er......death.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

stunning beauty

tonight's work

i want to first say a big giant whopping thank you to kip and his son garritt for moving my new wonderful desk for me today, in some of the most vile humid weather that we have had in weeks. i am forever grateful for your friendship, truck. now, this piece is titled " back and forth and back to nothing".

Monday, September 20, 2010

what else could she do?


ok so this might not make it into the record books as the most interesting post ever made on this, or any other blog....but, i am very excited about finding a cool old desk for the studio today. i was directed to this one by the fine people that hang out at lux. they were right. i had so many to choose from all under one roof.
one stop shopping for old desks is a rarity , but wow. i had like 20 or so to choose from. i am very happy with this lil' number. now i shall conduct business in a manner the will throughly impress.


Sunday, September 19, 2010

new eno album

folks like me get excited when we hear of anything eno. seem he has a new album coming out in november.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

tonight i celebrate my love

here is what i have been grooving to this fine fine evening..
1. dntel
2. bears
3. the year of
4. portastatic
5. the lovemakers
6. lone pigeon
7. bumblebee 81
8. loco dice
9. shawn lee
10. the changes

pop. pop. pop. pop. pop. pop. pop. pop. pop. pop........

buildings fall down

my little corner of the world.

this is where i do much of my work. not entirely laid out the way i want it to be, but none the less this is it, where the magic happens. where i do my thing. where i sit and listen. where i look and think. where it all goes down.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

1 2 3

black and white are fun.


beautiful evening

what a beautiful evening it was here. cool. breezy. nice. opened the doors to the studio while i did some work in the back. folks from hula's came over after they had dinner and looked around. good feel. happy happy.

zoom dad zoom

Saturday, September 4, 2010

the courier

if you are within the sound of my blog. do yourself a favor and download this amazing album. my friend adam, in my estimation has really outdone himself here. well done old friend, well done. it's a free download too.

today @ the ambient studio

in the new space i set up my grade school record player, with a really really scratched up classical record. we're talking really scratchy, partly because i scratched it all up with a knife a hammer and a pair of scissors. used the headphone out and ran it through four different effects pedals. delay, eq, flanger and a echo device. what fun i had as i twisted knobs and tweeked the sound. yeas i let it go for about 4 hours. the result, which will soon be uploaded to soundcloud was stunning and beautiful. it was a good day.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

marching forward

got lights up and running today. hung a few pieces upon the walls.
coming along nicely. pleased with the results thus far. the space has a good vibe.
we shall be open this friday evening for a bit to test the waters, work the bugs out,
get a feel for the new surroundings.
stop by and say hello.
i will talk with all attendees.

green skull

duck !