Sunday, September 26, 2010

today's playlist

1. saule - saule
2. self - gizmodgery
3. mordant music- symptoms
4. timtim- let's pretend were coming
5. es- a love cycle
6. islaja- palaa aurinkoon
7. fennesz- saffron revolution
8. seefeel -starethrough
9. bibio - vignetting the compost
10. damero - happy in grey

run out and get every last one of these beautiful recording as fast as you can.
thank later.

1 comment:

  1. "Islaja" is a Finnish artist now living in Berlin.

    "Palaa Aurinkoon" means "To burn in to the sun" OR "Going back to the sun"

    "Palaa" means 2 things in Finnish.

    1:"To come back"
    2:"To burn"

    You rule D man. Rock on.
