Monday, January 31, 2011

a productive day

today was a very productive one at the studio. work was completed for the carly's show.
work was started for the next lux show.
also got some very exciting news that just kinda happened the other day. more on that as it happens.
also saw a guy dressed just like mike brady.
life is good.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Monday, January 24, 2011


this is my friend sharon. we worked together in the 80's.
she was goth when i hung out with her, and very cool. i really liked her.we were pals. this is a photo from her childhood with her favorite doll. herman munster.
i think that explains a lot of the questions i've had about her over the years.
sharon is nice. sharon is good. i like that we are back in contact again.
ok bye.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

step one

1. image applied to wood panel.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

old worn & used

here's the exciting news.

the studio will NOW be open on MONDAYS and TUESDAYS from 11am until 3pm.
this is in addition to the current hours ( wed - fri. 6-9 ) and saturdays noon till 5pm.

come visit during the beautiful day light hours and experience the studio as it has never been seen before........... well, unless you've stopped by on a saturday afternoon. but still. really, it'll feel different.
i'm looking forward to the natural light.
ok. carry on.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

i call him "milton".

this is the direction i'm going with my current work. i have hit a wall with abstracts as of now. for the time being i will devote all my painting time to smaller figurative pieces. some will like this move, others will scoff. this and my study of collages will continue until further notice. if, by chance, you find this to be a huge disappointment in any way.....sorry. just not feelin' the abstractions right now so......... i have moved aways from that area of my work. having said that, there will be a day that i return to my abstract painting. it always happens .....round and round and round i go. i am currently doing work for two separate shows i have coming up in may 2011. more on that later.
lord loves a workin' man. don't trust whitey.
your pal-

Thursday, January 13, 2011

you're just gonna have to believe me.

tonight was a very very productive night at the studio.

oh and by the way

this is a call to all women everywhere to adopt the look of anywhere between 1972 and 1975.
thank you for your consideration in this matter. classic !!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

from outside

other things that happened tonight.

also worked on a couple of small pieces that i had stared long ago.

artists log 01.12.2011

the back room is finally ready for painting larger pieces. thanks go to my pal kip for realizing my vision of what i wanted to do with the lighting. he, again, came through with flying colors. the new lights have given the back space a very warm feel. i like it back there and stayed late into the night. put in a good 7 hours of work tonight.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

maybe the most beautiful thing ever!

....and now for some music

a word about the following posts

i have posted several sketches from a book i worked in for a year or so. not everything was photographed and posted here, but for better or worse this is a sampling of what i was up to at the time, as i sat at lux coffee bar here in phoenix.
full disclosure: slight tweakings on my iphone and in photoshop were done, simply because i got carried away and was having fun changing the images a bit. some of these sketches have made it to either being a painting, part of a collage, or a mixed media piece. some are long gone to loving homes and a few are still with me. ok enough said. carry on.......... daniel

collection of sketches .08

collection of sketches .07

collection of sketches .06

collection of sketches .05

collection of sketches .04

collection of sketches .03

collection of sketches .02