Tuesday, January 18, 2011

i call him "milton".

this is the direction i'm going with my current work. i have hit a wall with abstracts as of now. for the time being i will devote all my painting time to smaller figurative pieces. some will like this move, others will scoff. this and my study of collages will continue until further notice. if, by chance, you find this to be a huge disappointment in any way.....sorry. just not feelin' the abstractions right now so......... i have moved aways from that area of my work. having said that, there will be a day that i return to my abstract painting. it always happens .....round and round and round i go. i am currently doing work for two separate shows i have coming up in may 2011. more on that later.
lord loves a workin' man. don't trust whitey.
your pal-

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