Monday, August 31, 2009

warning warning warning

we are experiencing a monsoon right now so i have to make this quick before everything blows up. worked that the studio most of the day on a few pieces for this friday. i have paintings in three different places. my studio. the paulina miller gallery and at my pal kate's awesome new place. modern cat studio. so come on out to grand ave. and see what's happeneing. this photo has nothing to do with this post i just liked it so much i wanted to share it with you.... ok bye folks.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

phx photo time

hey kids time again to drop some of the awesome sights of what is phoenix arizona. if you are one of the people lucky enough to live here you know the beauty of this part of the planet. i love it here. the sunsets here are every bit as beautiful as anywhere in the world. it's a wonderful thing this desert home. i hope you like these shots. have a bitchin' summer.
your pal-

Thursday, August 27, 2009

thursdays playlist

rapoon- obscure objects of desire
muslimgauze- tandori dog box
shawn lee's ping pong orc.- strings and things
the cure- head on the door
eno- before and after science
vashti bunyan-lookaftering

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

oh my goodness

soooooo i got some of these fancy iphone photograph filters the other day and man let me tell you that this is a way to spend a lot of time snapping pix with the ol' iphone device. this was taken right outside my front door the other day. if you ask me it looks right out of 1950. this i like. carry on.

lazy tuesday

i must admit. i didn't do much of anything today that could ever be confused for work, well ok so i did lay out a few utensils to get something done later tonight here at home. had lunch with one of my collectors, cleaned the house and talked some business on the phone. everything went haywire here. internet was down most of the day. phone ran out of power, landline went down. doorbell stopped working. animals all over the place. crazy.

Monday, August 24, 2009

monday's playlist

today it was rapoon -library of the dead.
all day long. sometimes kinda creepy and sometime rather beautiful.

Saturday, August 22, 2009


the monsoon, which blew into phoenix last night, rolled in with force. this is our pals house. not fun. the lightening is awesome to watch, and i do like it when it rains, but, this kind of mess is in no way amusing to have to deal with. all and all it lasted about 20 minutes.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

thursday's playlist

today i let the ipod run wild. it was all over the place. some of the things that stick out in my simple mind were yuseff lateef, dark captain light captain, say hi, muse, miles davis, spent poets, tom waits, the beatles, nancy wilson, prince, depeche mode, johnny hates jazz, dan fogelberg, marilyn manson, hall & oates,chet baker, ramones, paul weston, yes, various non-descript 45 crate digger dirty ass funk cuts, the decemberists, neon neon...... as you can see "shuffle" is a mo fo' with my ipod. you never know what's going to happen. i like it that way. i'm just as god made m

this is an update

it was another productive day at the studio. i got a lot of new work in progress and should finish them up by next week. had lunch with my friend peter today, got coffee ( lux of course ) and the rest of the day was spent at the studio painting and listening to loud music no one was around in the other spaces. this picture of top cat that has nothing to do with anything. i just had it handy and i like top cat. carry on.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

today. she was a good day

this day was an oh so productive one at the studio. made much progress on several pieces that i have had on the back burner for some time. got there a bit later then i wanted to , but stayed till the natural light had all but burned out. all and all a very productive day. i'm feel pretty good about myself right now.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

from my daughter

it's an evil trash can with a pitch fork.
enough said.

dark captain light captain

well sometimes you stumble across something that moves you. such is the case with this band. dark captain light captain. amazing. i know not much about them , except that their music a really freekin' cool. i was looking at itunes and the "other listeners also purchased these" link got me. i checked out one song, then got everything on itunes that i could. it's great. they are from london and bad ass. i love this kind of thing indeed. check them out folks !!!

Monday, August 17, 2009

artist rendition

my pal christina did this of me spinning tunes at lux sunday morning.
she's really nailed me.

Friday, August 14, 2009

colors are pretty to me. i like them.

having stated that about color. i think my next series of paintings are going to be black and white. i live in a constant state of confusion. anyway......for the past few days i have been having fun shooting pix through out the greater phoenix area with my iphone. take 'em home, tweak 'em in photoshop and post them all over the web. sure this is nothing new, but i do like the results that i've been getting with these snap shots of our beautiful town. i'm inspired..... next week... a trip on the light rail from end to end....GASP !!!!!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

...and so it begins

this is what most all of my figurative pieces start out as. a simple sketch in one of my many many books i seem to feel the need to have with me at all times. anyway, i start with a line drawing, then tweak it a bit to my personal satisfaction. at this point i decide if i want it to become a painting, or am i going to make it into a mixed medium work. this is the first step. pencil on paper. ahhh purity. have a nice day.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

really big shoe

folks are constantly asking me "hey man what are your favorite most best ever shoes." here they are. doc martins that were purchased in 1998. soon they are going to be re-soled.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

tuesday's playlist


lusine-two dots

mumbles-book of human beats

yusef lateef-live in london

white rainbow-white rainbow

the kills-midnight boom

the juju orchestra- bosa nova is not a crime

jd and the evil’s dynamite band- self titled

ammoncontact-sound of everything

today is the beginning of the rest of our lives

well it is. think about it. and as uriah heap says. today is only yesterdays tomorrow. profound words indeed. after a weekend of 10 year old birthday fun. it's back to school, back to work , and back to the studio for me in the absence of my girls. this is prime art time. the studio is great to be in between 11am and 3pm , and that's when i'm there. day in day out, all week !! i like it that way. ya see im gearing up for the september grand ave. festival that's rapidly sneaking up on everyone. september 26th is going to be a great day for the art studios of grand ave. here in phoenix. will i be ready? i hope to have lots of new work ready for you all to check out.

first friday was great. the weather was awesome and the people were out in force. when we get an evening of cool weather (80ยบ), well cool by phx standards for this time of year, the streets fill with art hungry patrons and, well it was a really beautiful evening. sold some art, which always makes for a great opening, plus it was just a positive event. i had fun visiting with most of the folks that stopped by. again thanks to everyone for making it a nice time.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

pool of fire

i could go on and on, but the bottom line is this. it's hot here.

regardless i hope to see you all out for first friday tomorrow. it will start when the sun goes down......

have fun  !!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

todays playlist

psychedelic jazz and soul from the atlantic vaults
sonny phillips-black magic
sound library breaks- vol. one
soul beat- the gaylads
batucada- walter wanderley

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

less is more

i have been having a great time driving round phoenix taking photos of trees/plant life and converting them to a gray scale image in photoshop.  i find these stripped down images beautiful and for some reason can get lost in that simplicity. simple is good at times. less is more. next up. building of downtown phx. gasp !!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

coming up....

sunday! sunday! sunday!

well of course this picture has nothing to do with sunday. it's of folks enjoying themselves at the ambient studio on a first friday. which reminds me to tell all of you out there that this coming friday, august 7th, is "first friday". from 7pm till about 10pm the studio will be opened to the general public. come down and eat all the donut holes and oreos that you'd like. i have several new paintings for this month that im really looking forward to showing. as always call if you have any questions or would like to make an appointment for a private viewing. the number is 602.400.3920. if there is no answer, just leave a message and one of our friendly consultants will return your call as soon as possible. it might even be me... ok ok it will be me.  im the only one that will answer the phone. ever. that's it. it's only me. no one else. i might fake a sexy voice to make you think that i have a staff of lovely highly educated young ladies working for me, but truth be told..... i don't. so if i try to put you on hold and pretend that i'm in a high level meeting with very very important arab oil barons, because you've read my blog, you'll know i'm not really doing that. anyone that calls that hasn't read my blog will not have the inside info and will be fooled, but you, beloved blog subscriber, will know the truth. see there are many benefits to reading this blog. hope to see you friday. honest !!!