Tuesday, August 11, 2009

today is the beginning of the rest of our lives

well it is. think about it. and as uriah heap says. today is only yesterdays tomorrow. profound words indeed. after a weekend of 10 year old birthday fun. it's back to school, back to work , and back to the studio for me in the absence of my girls. this is prime art time. the studio is great to be in between 11am and 3pm , and that's when i'm there. day in day out, all week !! i like it that way. ya see im gearing up for the september grand ave. festival that's rapidly sneaking up on everyone. september 26th is going to be a great day for the art studios of grand ave. here in phoenix. will i be ready? i hope to have lots of new work ready for you all to check out.

first friday was great. the weather was awesome and the people were out in force. when we get an evening of cool weather (80ยบ), well cool by phx standards for this time of year, the streets fill with art hungry patrons and, well it was a really beautiful evening. sold some art, which always makes for a great opening, plus it was just a positive event. i had fun visiting with most of the folks that stopped by. again thanks to everyone for making it a nice time.

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