Sunday, October 25, 2009



it's been a very very busy week here at the studio. working on new stuff for first friday in two weeks. lots of DJ work too. i have 10 paintings up at melrose pharmacy here in phoenix. it's a cool retro drug store and i was asked by phoenix designer kelly hale to hang some of my work there. dropped the paintings off on friday night and they took care of the rest. i must say that seeing my work in a different setting, other than the studio is always nice. it's a cool place and i'm pleased with how it turned out. i'm still having fun with the movies that i have been posting for you here and on youtube. i , at some point i'm sure, will go beyond the palm trees that i have been shooting. that's just what's been outside my front door. yes i'm sure it will stick to the desert landscapes that i love so well. i find them to be rather enchanting to look at. alien and still. beautiful and quiet. that's the way i like it. i hope you'll agree. if not , well that's ok too. lord loves a workin' man. be well.

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