Saturday, November 28, 2009

this is proof

this photo acts as proof that work was done. things were created paint was splashed. lines were drawn. things were cut glued and sanded at the ambient studio today well into the late afternoon when the sun moved behind a black rain cloud and i lost the natural light to work in. (run on sentence). well that's how it went down today there. getting ready for the big weekend of art show fun. both friday and saturday we will be down at the studio for you to see all the new work. hope you can make it.
hours are friday the 4th 6pm till 10pm and saturday from 10am till 6pm.

Friday, November 27, 2009

ambient studio photo of the day

black friday

so here we are in the x-mas shopping season. i just don't get it how folks think that they need to go out to best buy or jc penny's at 3am to get what will be there later at a much more reasonable hour. silly people. maybe it's just some sort of social event that you do every year? i don't know. but while were on the subject, all i want this year is itune gift cards. all i can get. easy huh? easy to mail, easy to give. easy to love. im ,as we all know, for the people. i do hope that you all had a nice thanksgiving with whomever you decided to spend it with. i had a nice one thanks for asking... remember. itunes gift cards, and oh yeah. christ is king.

Monday, November 23, 2009

ambient studio photo of the day

tuesday november 23.2009.

in the studio..... felt good to work. somewhat rusty. i hate when that happens.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

ambient studio photo of the day

we've taken an industrial turn here away from the organic things that i post most often.....oh don't you worry my friend , soon i'll be back out there clickin' away at all the plant life i can find. enough said. good night honey.

Monday, November 16, 2009

the ambient studio photo of the day

not too much to say.

what do i tell you folks out the when i don't really have anything to say?

i know i know... look at this lovely colorful rainbow skull painting i completed last week.

im so proud.

also i really like this band called the koreans. awesome electronic pop goodness. i have been listening to it none stop for the last two weeks in the car. that's just how i am.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

work work work

let's just say that i din't have as productive of a day as i would have liked to. this is not to say that nothing got done, but i didn't finish up what i wanted to finish up. framed some new paintings and worked for a bit on another piece that i have fought with for a long while. it may just end up in the trash din. yes folks it happens from time to time. returned some e-mails some phone calls and searched endlessly for a cd that has gone missing. oh what a day. ended up at lux tonight and worked on some drawings for a collage piece i dug out today........onward.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

it was a long weekend

wow...... am i glad that this weekend has come and gone. i tell you this one was nuts. lots of action all weekend long. first friday, scottsdale fashion week, lux.... a special thanks to my friend peter for working the studio and selling two pieces, with me at scottsdale fashion week spinning techno jams for people dressed like panda bears. yeah you heard me right. folks dressed like endangered cute little bears. did they pull it off? i'll leave that up to you to decide. i don't feel that i'm qualified to make such a judgement in a nut shell that was it. life is magic. carry on.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

i'll make this quick

hey folks out there in ambient studio land. this is a really cool band that you should check out. i stumbled across them with the itunes free song a couple of weeks ago. now i have all their stuff. do enjoy. see you all soon somewhere out there.

Monday, November 2, 2009

how did you spend your day mister.

oh my what fun i have had over the past few hours. cleaning out the garage here at home. YUK! i did it once before when it flooded and ruined 25+ years of sketches and other things that were housed in cardboard boxes. funny how the water went right for the stuff that was most important to me. oh well. that was a long time ago. i don't know how i could have amassed so much more stuff within that short period of time to fill it back up the way it is now. i simply just have this huge problem with not being able to toss junk out. i always think "i'll use this some day". that some day rarely comes though. so i got to about 1/4 of what needs to be done. for now that's gonna have to be it. tomorrow and wednesday are going to be full on studio days. i hope to paint and i have to redo the entire place for this friday. you know it is first friday this week so.....yeah... well....ok . keep me in your thoughts. it's lonely out there......