Monday, November 2, 2009

how did you spend your day mister.

oh my what fun i have had over the past few hours. cleaning out the garage here at home. YUK! i did it once before when it flooded and ruined 25+ years of sketches and other things that were housed in cardboard boxes. funny how the water went right for the stuff that was most important to me. oh well. that was a long time ago. i don't know how i could have amassed so much more stuff within that short period of time to fill it back up the way it is now. i simply just have this huge problem with not being able to toss junk out. i always think "i'll use this some day". that some day rarely comes though. so i got to about 1/4 of what needs to be done. for now that's gonna have to be it. tomorrow and wednesday are going to be full on studio days. i hope to paint and i have to redo the entire place for this friday. you know it is first friday this week so.....yeah... well....ok . keep me in your thoughts. it's lonely out there......

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