Friday, November 27, 2009

black friday

so here we are in the x-mas shopping season. i just don't get it how folks think that they need to go out to best buy or jc penny's at 3am to get what will be there later at a much more reasonable hour. silly people. maybe it's just some sort of social event that you do every year? i don't know. but while were on the subject, all i want this year is itune gift cards. all i can get. easy huh? easy to mail, easy to give. easy to love. im ,as we all know, for the people. i do hope that you all had a nice thanksgiving with whomever you decided to spend it with. i had a nice one thanks for asking... remember. itunes gift cards, and oh yeah. christ is king.

1 comment:

  1. Christ rules! All I want is a phone that has a camera and a mp3 player and is very cheap.

    Not iPhone.

    Then I can go in to the wild world of "Photo of the day"

    It's a jungle out there!
