Wednesday, January 27, 2010

studio update.

worked again this evening at the studio. finished up a couple things i have been working on. look long and hard at another piece that i just can't decide if it's done or not. i think it is, but still have to give it a day or two in the present state. you'll be the first to know. i found this lil' gem in a box while i was taking a break and eating my two fish tacos. i like when i run across a old piece like this. im gonna say it's about 10 years old. pastels and no. 2 pencil on paper. now i think i'm gonna do a bunch of small pieces in this style, which i like. ok i'm tired and i am going to actually get to sleep before 3am. yes 3am is the time i turn in for the evening. answers your question as to why i act like a zombie most of the time. maybe i'm sleep walking. bye now kiddies.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

another very productive day

another super productive day at the studio for me. got some daylight hours in, which i love, and i put them to good use. art detour is coming up in march so i hope to have a lot of new work ready. so far so good. i may hit a wall. i may continue to make progress though. that's go with that. think positive right? right.
ok good night everyone out there all over the world.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

work work work

hello folks. the good news is that i had a productive evening at the studio tonight. that bad news is that with all the rain that we have been getting here. i had a leak right above the table in the back portion of the studio and it's right under a sky light. i like the sky light most of the time, but not tonight since it leaked and got some stuff really wet. i lost a couple of old books and the worst part, at this point is that i got 3 small pieces that i had on the table all wet. soaked it right up. i took everything out of the frames and have it all drying on the floor here at home. let's hope for the best. but like i said on the good side i have lots of new pieces in the works. more later...... love on.

Monday, January 11, 2010

went to work, but didn't make it.

so on my way to the studio tonight, well, i didn't make it any further than lux. oh don't get me wrong, i did do some work there as soon as the glass top table opened up. that's where i like to be. so i worked on something that will dazzle and amaze you. here's a pretty picture.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

today @ the ambient studio

well i found myself again this evening working on a few small pieces down at the studio. i've been working small as of late. theses works are taking longer than i thought that they would. such is the layering & layering of paint. hum? i also pulled out a small piece that i think has been sitting around for about 10 years. found it in a box while looking for something else. never finished it, or maybe i thought that i had, but was wrong. either way it's shaping up real nice. i am liking what's going on with it now, and it has inspired me to do more like it. you'll see.

i have been doing smaller pieces for the simple fact that i have not been able to get my mind around anything larger right now. it is the artist's "writer's block". same thing. it happens to be from time to time. so when i can't work on large things, i go small. isn't that interesting ? thankfully i have the option to do one or the other. if nothing is flowing i just draw with the most basic of materials. pencil and paper. if i don't do anything. i'm a grump. ask the people that i surround myself with.


baby blue

Monday, January 4, 2010

back in the alley

this is where i walk home every night at midnight. never looking back. strangely that music is always playing in this area of town.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

hello cruel world

hey kids. tomorrow i will be working away at the studio in the evening. i'm also currently involved in talks to set up a small studio space here at the pad. so i can work round the clock. sleeping in small nap size amounts. it will be art detour before ya know it. march is going to get here soon. this image has nothing to do with anything. i didn't do it. i just like it and wanted to post it here. thanks kids have a bitchin' summer.