Wednesday, January 27, 2010

studio update.

worked again this evening at the studio. finished up a couple things i have been working on. look long and hard at another piece that i just can't decide if it's done or not. i think it is, but still have to give it a day or two in the present state. you'll be the first to know. i found this lil' gem in a box while i was taking a break and eating my two fish tacos. i like when i run across a old piece like this. im gonna say it's about 10 years old. pastels and no. 2 pencil on paper. now i think i'm gonna do a bunch of small pieces in this style, which i like. ok i'm tired and i am going to actually get to sleep before 3am. yes 3am is the time i turn in for the evening. answers your question as to why i act like a zombie most of the time. maybe i'm sleep walking. bye now kiddies.

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