Wednesday, January 6, 2010

today @ the ambient studio

well i found myself again this evening working on a few small pieces down at the studio. i've been working small as of late. theses works are taking longer than i thought that they would. such is the layering & layering of paint. hum? i also pulled out a small piece that i think has been sitting around for about 10 years. found it in a box while looking for something else. never finished it, or maybe i thought that i had, but was wrong. either way it's shaping up real nice. i am liking what's going on with it now, and it has inspired me to do more like it. you'll see.

i have been doing smaller pieces for the simple fact that i have not been able to get my mind around anything larger right now. it is the artist's "writer's block". same thing. it happens to be from time to time. so when i can't work on large things, i go small. isn't that interesting ? thankfully i have the option to do one or the other. if nothing is flowing i just draw with the most basic of materials. pencil and paper. if i don't do anything. i'm a grump. ask the people that i surround myself with.


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