Thursday, July 23, 2009

another green world

i personally could not go on without this "album" in my collection. yes i have the vinyl. two copies since about 1976. one domestic. one japanese import. that's the way we use to do it "back in the day". eno has been a very important figure in my creative life. this is some of what i would consider , the most beautiful music ever committed to tape. pop music that isn't pop music. ambient music that you can forget, yet it's always there when you need it. filling the void of your humdrum day to day.... at least it has been for me. the first time i heard it was long ago. this cat named dave that worked at the local record store played it for me one night. he had this amazing house with a bad ass sansui stereo system, with a jungle like back yard, a pool and a giant picture window off the living room that looked right into that private oasis. he said "check this out", put on the album and sky saw the first track freaked me out. the music was like nothing i had ever heard. well, as you can tell. it's something that i carry a vivid memory of in my lil' skull some 30 something years later.

people say a "record that changed my life". eno's another green world did just that for me. i was totally blown away. it had space to breathe. it had beautiful washes of sounds like i hadn't, till that point heard. it had what, at the time i thought were odd lyrics that were simple yet fit perfectly. this to me is just that. a perfect album. i also think it might have been the first album i had played that didn't have vocals on every track. it has influenced me in a zillion ways. my art. the name i gave my studio. that way i think about painting, oh the list goes on and on. my point is that if you have not had the pleasure of sitting down & listening to this fine recording. do it. all of eno's stuff rocks. i tend to like his "pop" records best, the one that followed this, before and after science , ranks right up there too.

in my book eno is the man.

true story: i got to meet him once long ago in new orleans at a WEA convention when his opal label had a deal with warner brothers. i talked with him for a bit and asked when he would do another "pop" record. this was 1988. he was only doing ambient stuff at that point. eno put me in a head lock. and said "why does everyone always ask me that". dude, brian eno had me in a head lock. im not too big on idol worship, but, that also is something i will never forget. funny thing the next record he did was a "pop" record with john cale. hum ? go figure.

anyway there ya go. a story about my favorite record and a funny aside to go with it.


1 comment:

  1. Sold! OK, maybe not sold entirely, but willing to take these albums (both new to me) for a serious test drive.
