Wednesday, July 22, 2009

this is important

hello everyone-

this is the first entry of the ambient studio blog.

the focus of this blog will be to update everyone on what's going on with the studio and with me as an artist living here in phoenix az. the struggles and the triumphs of creating art, but this blog will also deal with other impressive interests such as, but not limited to, music ( the kind i like, and the kind i don't ), where to get the best iced coffee in town, my liberal political views, the hot new dance moves, and the ever important subject of how to select the proper lunch meat.

this is all very exciting i know. heck it’s a blog, and from what i hear on the street “blogs is what it’s all about cat daddy” ( i walk the streets of the late 1950's ).

i will attempt to post things of interest to me and subsequently i hope that some of it, if not all of these items, are of interest to you, the valued blog reader.

so please spend as many waking hours as you can hitting the refresh button on your web browser, tracking my every move. let's start a wonderful relationship where we never have to see each other. we can pretend that we're both beautiful shapely models from sweden. no one will ever know. i will believe each and every word you say. honest.

you, of course, are invited to comment on anything you’d like. disagree with me, razz me, yank my chain, caress me, hold me, love me......or......... ignore me.

i look ever so forward to seeing just what the heck might happen with this forum and i hold my head up proudly as i announce to the world "i too have a free blogging account " !!

eternal reverence-

your pal-
