Friday, July 31, 2009

still hot? yupp.

as i was driving home from the studio today i saw a VW van just like this one on the side of the road, engulfed in flames. the whole thing was filled with bright red and orange fire. smoke poured from all the windows and the engine was spitting out flames as well. it was 112ยบ outside and that air cooled engine couldn't take it. sad, it was a nicely restored van. made me think what the hell are we doing living here in the first place? if you have an answer to that question, let me know. have a nice day folks.


  1. I've been wondering the same thing for years about Finland. 2 months of pure beauty and 10 months of pure shit. WTF.

    A picture of that burning van would have been amazing.

  2. i wish i would have got that to. i was unable to get the ol' iphone camera in time as i drove by.
