Tuesday, July 28, 2009

take a look at this

it was 115º here in phx today. yeah it was freekin' hot. all i managed to do was update my facebook profile picture. sad i know but did i tell you it was 115º today ?
i hope you understand.


  1. Holy shit! that's like...

    46.1111111 degrees Celsius...

    That is total hotness. I've had contact with that kind of pure heat maybe once or twice in my lifetime.

    Have you tried -4 ºF?

    That's something else...

  2. That drawing is amazing also. Pure heat.

  3. i spend holidays in chicago, yeah i know, smart move. it was -10º with a wind chill of -20º. it was the coldest i had ever been EVER !!! i thought my skin was going to crack off my face. STING !!¡¡!

  4. Yes, that is pretty hardcore shit. We used to have every winter that kind of weather for 4-5 months, now we barely go below -5 celcius down here in Helsinki. Up north it's still easily the -20 and stuff. But then again who cares! It's summer still and we are rolling with +25 celcius! 1 month to go and then it's getting darker...and darker....and darker...
