Wednesday, September 30, 2009

from space

this is a small piece from the new collection of phoenix sky scene inspired work.
all of these, a total of about 15 pieces will be up at the studio this first friday.
i hope you can make it.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

hey where ya been brother?

ok so it's been a couple of days since i did anything here and i know that you are all just dying to know what the heck has been going on. well i shall tell you. the grand ave festival was a smashing success and lots of people attended the event. it was nice to see all your bright shiny faces at the studio and wondering grand ave. during the event. i always like to be at the studio and have it opened during the daylight hours, big difference then at the evening and night time that the first fridays bring. different vibe.....and a good one at that. so yeah like i was saying. it was cool. sold a couple of pieces and made some new "friends" along the way. that, to me, is a successful afternoon. i hear that the fashion shows that they had during the evening were boffo !!! lots of folks said it was cool. i was in bed by then so i miss out on much of the night life. sad thing getting old. ok thanks to everyone that attended ........and. this is first friday coming up. so stop by and see what, again, is new at the studio. again at night...and again with my undying love for each and every one of you...oh yeah. this is a old sketch that i did in the front of a cargo van on the way reno a few years ago. in a snow storm. white out. it was scary to be it that...and er this was what came out of me during that drive. see you friday.

Friday, September 25, 2009


tomorrow is the grand ave. festival. see you all there. stop by for a great, exciting, wonderful, awesome, amazing, sexy, depraved, swanky, fun, blissful, snappy, boss, keen, sweet whoopidoo .

the studio will be open all day for you. and only for you.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

where did this come from ?

this is the cover on one of my sketchbooks. i love collage and have been compiling masses of old books and whatnot to some day soon, i hope, get back at it. oh if there were only 57 hours in each day. i love this piece. don't you ?

Thursday, September 17, 2009

well. how'd you spend your day ?

ah here's a glimpse into the day of a artist on the go.

1. up at 7. get kid to school.
2. off to coffee shop for a few. talk with all the wonderfully friendly people there for 1 hour.
3. hospice white dove thrift shop. got a cool book on bull fighting.
4. flo's thrift shop. got a cool book of arial photographs of san francisco.
5. to studio working by 11am.
6. kip stopped by and dropped off a fan that he had repaired.
7. kip's gone. continue working on small pieces for the upcoming grand ave. festival.
8. 2:30pm head home to make a salad ( that was shared with the cats) for lunch.
9. post some junk on facebook.
10. watch a little cnn.
11. continue work on the never ending music project.
12. go get kid from school.
13. family time.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

these guys are pretty good

i just listened to the new remastered white album. man , two things that stick out in my simple lil' mind are the following. the remastered versions are totally rockin. you can indeed hear everything so very clearly it's like them beatles are right there, and that i remember each and every word of every song, that includes most of revolution #9 (that track would scare me as a child when jackie johannsen would play it. she wore go-go boots too. foxy !! ) but what a great record. you certainly don't need another guy saying this and that about the beatles, but i just had to let you know my glee in listening to it again in a new light. till my 10 year old told me to turn it down because she was "reading" reading. ha.

ahhhh it's been awhile

ok so i have been a sorry excuse of a blogger for the last few days. i hang my head in lowly shame. anyway here's the update of all that is good in the ambient studio world. i have been away why you ask? here's the scoop. i took a position as musical director of a cool new establishment here in phoenix and that has been my focus for the past few weeks, and all i have been working on for the last couple of days, but we are making progress with that . i spent some time in the studio today and it was time well spent indeed. i started several new things that i hope to have ready for the grand ave. festival on the 26th. hope is the key word there. i think i can do it. after that it was off to get fish tacos at two hippies on camelback. if you haven't been GO !! now it's back to music work for the remainder of the evening. you will hear from me soon !!! hope you all have been doing great things that make you happy and stuff and junk. your pal-

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

today's playlist

we all got funky today. well for the most part that is. ok here's what i had going this fine fine day.
mungo's hi-fi -mary jane / herbalist
nino moschella- boom shadow
quantic- an announcement to answer
zook- music from the accumulator
heavy-do for you EP
hal singer and jeff gilson- soul of africa
abakus- we share the same dream

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Monday, September 7, 2009

i don't know why....

I used to be now I'm not what you see, Lord I try
And now it seems all those dreams have come true, but they're passing me by
Some fast talkin' mama for a dollar put a smile on my face
I'm drivin' all night
I end up in the same old place

My gypsy road can't take me home
I drive all night just to see the light
My gypsy road can't take me home
I keep on pushin' cause it feels alright

And who's to care if I grow my hair to the sky
I'll take a wish and a prayer cross my fingers cause I always get by
Some fast talkin' jerk for a dollar wiped the smile off my face
I'm drivin' all night
Just to keep the rat in the race

My gypsy road can't take me home
I drive all night just to see the light
My gypsy road can't take me home
I keep on pushin' cause it feels alright

Sometimes I feel so old
Got my lights burnin' bright
But I'm lookin' pretty sold
Sometimes I feel so cold
So cold
Let's go

Got to get on home
My gypsy road can't take me home
My gypsy road can't take me home, t-t-take me

My gypsy road can't take me home
I drive all night just to see the light
My gypsy road can't take me home
I keep on pushin' cause it feels alright

My gypsy road can't take me home
I drive all night just to see the light
My gypsy road can't take me home
I keep on p-p-pushin'
My gypsy road
My gypsy road
My gypsy road
My gypsy road
My gypsy road

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

sonic attack

ok ok so sometimes i listen to this old hawkwind record. i know my pal alan hates hawkwind and he just can't understand why, but hey this record was a 7th grade staple for me and my buddy mike warren. i'm not the worlds biggest hawkwind fan by any stretch of the imagination, but i do like the space ritual alive record and i still own the same copy that i had back the 70's. what can i say it rocks. sorry alan.

tuesday's playlist

neil young-zuma
brian eno- before and after science
rapoon- dream cycle
al green -let's stay together
marylin manson- least we remember
johnny cash- greatest hits
roland kirk- don't cry my beautiful edith