Tuesday, September 29, 2009

hey where ya been brother?

ok so it's been a couple of days since i did anything here and i know that you are all just dying to know what the heck has been going on. well i shall tell you. the grand ave festival was a smashing success and lots of people attended the event. it was nice to see all your bright shiny faces at the studio and wondering grand ave. during the event. i always like to be at the studio and have it opened during the daylight hours, big difference then at the evening and night time that the first fridays bring. different vibe.....and a good one at that. so yeah like i was saying. it was cool. sold a couple of pieces and made some new "friends" along the way. that, to me, is a successful afternoon. i hear that the fashion shows that they had during the evening were boffo !!! lots of folks said it was cool. i was in bed by then so i miss out on much of the night life. sad thing getting old. ok thanks to everyone that attended ........and. this is first friday coming up. so stop by and see what, again, is new at the studio. again at night...and again with my undying love for each and every one of you...oh yeah. this is a old sketch that i did in the front of a cargo van on the way reno a few years ago. in a snow storm. white out. it was scary to be it that...and er this was what came out of me during that drive. see you friday.

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