Wednesday, September 16, 2009

ahhhh it's been awhile

ok so i have been a sorry excuse of a blogger for the last few days. i hang my head in lowly shame. anyway here's the update of all that is good in the ambient studio world. i have been away why you ask? here's the scoop. i took a position as musical director of a cool new establishment here in phoenix and that has been my focus for the past few weeks, and all i have been working on for the last couple of days, but we are making progress with that . i spent some time in the studio today and it was time well spent indeed. i started several new things that i hope to have ready for the grand ave. festival on the 26th. hope is the key word there. i think i can do it. after that it was off to get fish tacos at two hippies on camelback. if you haven't been GO !! now it's back to music work for the remainder of the evening. you will hear from me soon !!! hope you all have been doing great things that make you happy and stuff and junk. your pal-

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