Thursday, September 17, 2009

well. how'd you spend your day ?

ah here's a glimpse into the day of a artist on the go.

1. up at 7. get kid to school.
2. off to coffee shop for a few. talk with all the wonderfully friendly people there for 1 hour.
3. hospice white dove thrift shop. got a cool book on bull fighting.
4. flo's thrift shop. got a cool book of arial photographs of san francisco.
5. to studio working by 11am.
6. kip stopped by and dropped off a fan that he had repaired.
7. kip's gone. continue working on small pieces for the upcoming grand ave. festival.
8. 2:30pm head home to make a salad ( that was shared with the cats) for lunch.
9. post some junk on facebook.
10. watch a little cnn.
11. continue work on the never ending music project.
12. go get kid from school.
13. family time.

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