Tuesday, September 1, 2009

sonic attack

ok ok so sometimes i listen to this old hawkwind record. i know my pal alan hates hawkwind and he just can't understand why, but hey this record was a 7th grade staple for me and my buddy mike warren. i'm not the worlds biggest hawkwind fan by any stretch of the imagination, but i do like the space ritual alive record and i still own the same copy that i had back the 70's. what can i say it rocks. sorry alan.

1 comment:

  1. Rules definitely!

    I was probably 18 when I was at my friend's house totally fucked up on beer and stuff... and he put this record on, I remember staring at that cover (vinyl!) for hours. Great experience!

    Love it.

    These days I can only drink Beer, put that cover still rules. My friend has it even today on his wall.
